The beta version of watchOS 10.2 brings back the ability to change Apple Watch faces with a single swipe

By: Myroslav Trinko | 16.11.2023, 08:51
The beta version of watchOS 10.2 brings back the ability to change Apple Watch faces with a single swipe

Apple recently announced the third beta version of watchOS 10.2. As it turned out, the developers added a useful feature to the update.

Here's What We Know

It's about the ability to quickly change the dials of the Apple Watch with a single movement of the hand. This was told by the dataminer @aaronp613. The function can be enabled in the settings of the gadget.

What's interesting is this feature was on the smartwatch before watchOS 9, but for some reason with the release of watchOS 10, Apple removed it.

Source: @aaronp613