Huawei smartphones can delete videos of Chinese protests and riots themselves

New COVID restrictions in China have caused mass riots and protests. It would seem that Huawei has nothing to do with it. Now we will tell you.
Here's What We Know
Reports appeared in Chinese social networks that videos depicting protests and unrest in the country began to disappear from Huawei smartphones in an unknown way. Owners have noted that the phones are erasing the videos without their knowledge.
Chinese social media users report Huawei phones automatically deleting* videos of the protests that took place in China, without notifying the owners.
- Melissa Chen (@MsMelChen) November 30, 2022
*Not sure if it's from the cloud or device level
Our sci-fi movies have not even imagined this level of dystopia...
How exactly this happens is unknown. Perhaps Huawei uses timestamps or geolocation data. There's also no information on where the files are stored (in the cloud or on the built-in flash drive).
Source: @MsMelChen