Jury finds Tesla autopilot not guilty in fatal crash involving a Model 3 electric car in 2019

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 01.11.2023, 18:46
Jury finds Tesla autopilot not guilty in fatal crash involving a Model 3 electric car in 2019

In 2019, a Tesla electric car was involved in a fatal traffic accident. Four years later, a jury found the automatic piloting system not guilty in the tragedy. This is the second victory of the company of Elon Musk in such proceedings.

Here's What We Know

It was initially reported that Tesla's autopilot was to blame for the fatal accident. The lawsuit stated that Tesla knowingly sold electric cars with a faulty autopilot system.

The lawsuit states that the faulty autopilot system caused the Tesla Model 3 electric car to be involved in an accident, resulting in the death of the driver and injuries to two passengers. The car was travelling at a speed of 105 km/h.

The plaintiffs' lawyers demanded $400,000 and a fine from Tesla. According to them, the driver received the pilot software when he made the purchase of the electric car in 2019. Allegedly, the auto-pilot system was able to self-drive the car.

Tesla stated that human error was the cause of the accident. In addition, tests showed that the driver had consumed alcohol. The company also noted that the software analysis cited by the plaintiff's lawyers did not look for existing, but only theoretically possible problems in the autopilot system.

Source: Reuters