Australia will change the law to build AUKUS-class nuclear submarines with the US and UK

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 15.11.2023, 17:39
Australia will change the law to build AUKUS-class nuclear submarines with the US and UK

To build AUKUS-class nuclear submarines, Australia is prepared to amend legislation. This will simplify the transfer of technology.

Here's What We Know

Australia's Department of Defence has proposed a bill to amend the Defence Trade Control Act. A public statement said the reforms would create an unprecedented framework to support industry, higher education and research sectors in all three countries.

These are Australia itself, as well as the US and UK, which are part of AUKUS. The proposed law allows licence-free technology sharing between the three partners, but includes restrictions on the transfer of defence technology to other countries.

Australia will be able to acquire a minimum of three Virginia-class nuclear submarines under an agreement signed earlier this year. The US recently said the submarines will be transferred in 2032 (existing), 2035 (existing) and 2038 (new).

In addition, the UK will start building AUKUS class nuclear submarines. The United Kingdom will receive the first vessel late next decade and Australia will receive the first vessel in the early 2040s. None of the AUKUS-class submarines will carry nuclear weapons.

Source: Janes