Tabletop Hell: two Diablo-based board games were announced at BlizzCon 2023 festival at once

By: Anton Kratiuk | 04.11.2023, 19:45
Tabletop Hell: two Diablo-based board games were announced at BlizzCon 2023 festival at once

At the BlizzCon 2023 festival, in addition to the announcement of the first Vessel of Hatred storyline expansion for Diablo IV, fans of the iconic franchise heard another interesting announcement.

Tabletop Hell: two Diablo-based board games were announced at BlizzCon 2023 festival at once -2

Here's What We Know

Blizzard is working with Glass Cannon Unplugged Studios on two board games, Diablo The Board Game and Diablo: The RPG.

Both games will complement each other, build on the events of Diablo IV and expand on the story of the entire franchise.

Diablo: The RPG will not be an adaptation of familiar mechanics, but will offer players an entirely new experience. The game should be out in time for the next BlizzCon in late 2024.

As for Diablo: The Board Game, they are preparing a fundraising campaign for it.

Those who are interested in the projects, the developer asks to join the survey to make the games as interesting and exciting as possible.

Glass Cannon Unplugged is known for its tabletop adaptations of games such as Frostpunk, Dying Light and Apex Legends.

Source: Glass Cannon Unplugged