Interesting information about the yet unannounced Eidos-Montréal game has appeared on the web: it will be similar to Tomb Raider and The Legend of Zelda at the same time

By: Anton Kratiuk | 17.10.2023, 16:58
Interesting information about the yet unannounced Eidos-Montréal game has appeared on the web: it will be similar to Tomb Raider and The Legend of Zelda at the same time

A year ago, journalist and insider Jason Schreier reported that the studio Eidos-Montréal began development of several projects, one of which received interesting information.

Here's What We Know

On its website studio Eidos-Montréal posted several vacancies, the description of which says that specialists will work on an action game, the concept of which resembles both Tomb Raider and The Legend of Zelda.

It is indicated that applicants must have skills in creating open-world games and multi-stage quests.

Judging by the description, in the yet unannounced game will be open locations with a large number of characters and puzzles. The abundance of platformer elements is separately noted, which also require skilled professionals.

It's still hard to imagine what Eidos-Montréal will present to gamers, but the Canadian studio has a lot of experience in the development of story-oriented games, so they may have something unusual and interesting.

Source: Twisted Voxel