Konami is gearing up to unveil Silent Hill: The Short Message. Australian Classification Board report document reveals details of new horror film

A report document from the Australian Classification Board has revealed some interesting information for Silent Hill horror fans.
The document contains not only the age rating, but also a detailed description of the not yet presented game Silent Hill: The Short Message, formerly known as Project Sakura.
Here's What We Know
Australian experts describe Silent Hill: The Short Message as a psychological horror, built on the exploration of gloomy locations.
The action of the game is set in an apartment building called The Villa in modern Germany, and the main character will be a girl Anita.
Silent Hill: The Short Message will feature a lot of gory scenes and crude language. So far, the game has been rated 15+, but it looks like it will be reviewed.
Usually, the assignment of an age rating indicates the imminent presentation or even release of a game, so we can assume that Konami will soon hold the first demonstration of Silent Hill: The Short Message.
The document includes a detailed description of one of the story scenes.
Warning, spoilers!
The player takes the role of a young woman, Anita, who must explore the villa in first-person to gather clues and find out what happened to her friend. Anita explores the bathroom, which contains a bathtub filled with bloody water, tiles splattered with blood, and a razor blade on a bloody sink.
After examining the razor, Anita experiences a flashback. In a scene shown in first person, a voice shouts: "It's all your fault! Everything bad is because of you!" and the hand holding the razor enters the frame. The hero's left hand enters the frame, showing horizontal scars on his wrist. Before the razor touches the hero's wrist, the frame cuts to a black screen. The next frame shows the character's left hand with old and fresh scars.
In a scene shown in third and first person, the character stands on the edge of a building's roof and looks down. The implication is that Maya committed suicide by jumping off the eaves of the roof. The character is distraught, reflecting on the fact that she will never be able to compare to Maya. Echoes of her mother's harsh tirades can be heard in the background as Anita prepares to jump and says, "Maybe I can become like her... That's so....".
In the first-person shot, you can see her feet approaching the edge of the ledge, and in the third-person shot, she pulls away and begins to fall. Throughout the game, scenes of self-harm and suicide are accompanied by black screens that say in white lettering that players should seek help if they are at risk of auto-aggression and suicide, and offer support if they see others around them struggling.
Source: ACB