Media: studio 343 Industries is developing a new Halo instalment from spring 2022

By: Anton Kratiuk | 09.01.2024, 22:20
Media: studio 343 Industries is developing a new Halo instalment from spring 2022

Halo Infinite shooter was released in 2021 and did not fully meet the expectations of developers and gamers. The game turned out to be ambiguous, but despite the failure, one of the most popular game franchises will continue to develop.

Here's What We Know

It is known that the new part of Halo is in development, but now, thanks to the pages of game designers on LinkedIn, the approximate start date of its development has become known.

Thus, one of the leading artists of Halo 4, Halo 5 and Halo Infinite Justin Dinges indicated that he held the position of art director of the unannounced project of the Halo series from April 2022 to March 2023.

It was previously mentioned that the new game in the series will be developed on Unreal Engine 5 and that's the technology that Halo's senior character systems designer Ian Slutz is working with, according to his LinkedIn profile.

Even though a new game in the Halo series has been in development since early 2022, it's unlikely to be expected before 2027. And given the massive wave of layoffs at studio 343 Industries, its release date may be even less optimistic.

Source: Insider Gaming