Until September 22, the mysterious and dynamic adventure Control Ultimate Edition costs $10 in the Epic Games Store

The Finnish studio Remedy has always been famous for its stories that gave gamers a new experience. And some of their games are even connected to each other in the same universe. Alan Wake 2 is coming in October, and if you have completed the first part, you should also pay attention to Control, which offers dynamic gameplay and an interesting story, and takes place in the same world as the writer Alan. Control Ultimate Edition costs $10 in the Epic Games Store until 22 September.
Here's What We Know
Control: Ultimate Edition is a third-person adventure game that tells the story of Jesse Faden, who enters the Federal Bureau of Control with two goals: to find his brother and to figure out what is going on in this mysterious place. The bureau itself was created in the brutalist style and is one big concrete labyrinth with dozens of rooms and locations. Offices, parks, mines, reactors, a garbage dump, and parallel dimensions - and there are "surprises" everywhere. The gameplay does not let you get bored for a second. The heroine can tear a piece of concrete out of the wall, or take a gas cylinder and throw it at the enemy. You can create a shield, wait until the enemies are exhausted, and then take to the air and attack from above. Although no one will forbid you to take control of the monsters. Players also have access to different types of weapons: a pistol, a shotgun, a grenade launcher analogue, and an assault rifle. The most memorable battles in the game are the boss battles.
Not all of them are mandatory, but the design of the enemies and the locations where they are located are stunning. How about an unknown creature that you need to throw a clock at to defeat it? Or a giant monster that lives in the fridge? The game clearly has no problems with design and creativity. And the Ultimate Edition will give you two add-ons that will make you explore the bureau even more and reveal its hidden secrets. And one of them is related to Alan Wake and will help you better understand the events that took place after the first part.
The game has received good reviews from players and critics on Metacritic. Although the plot is somewhat confusing, and even if you can't fully understand it, the game is worth playing at least for the gameplay and locations.
If you already own the regular edition of Control, you can purchase each of the two add-ons separately at this link.
More details about the offer can be found here.
Source: egs