Battlefield 2042 has overtaken Halo Infinite online on Steam

At the time of release, Halo Infinite was considered the main competitor of Battlefield 2042, and it was much more successful. But now from the point of view of online, both games are in a bad state - and the first place goes to the DICE creation!
Battlefiled 2042's peak traffic on Steam in the last 24 hours slightly exceeded that of Halo Infinite - 6520 against 5711 people
Peak online for all time in Battlefield 2042 is equal to 105,397 users, and in Halo Infinte - 272,586. The gap is explained by the fact that Battlefield 2042 asks for money, while Halo Infinte is distributed on a shareware model.
We will remind, according to insider Tom Henderson, Electronic Arts even considered the opening of Halo Infinite beta testing as one of the reasons for the failure of Battlefield 2042. However, the publisher denies this.
Things have been really bad for Battlefiled 2042 lately. So, after the start of the first season, a small number of players returned to the online shooter, and the rating on Steam became "mixed" for the first time.
Battlefield 2042 has managed to retain a pretty decent player base since Season 1 launched and now has 3x the players on Steam than Halo Infinite MP which is free-to-play.
— Tom Henderson (@_Tom_Henderson_) July 5, 2022