To pass The Callisto Protocol you will have to spend from 12 to 14 hours
By: Dmitro Koval | 07.10.2022, 11:14

Recently, The Callisto Protocol chorus game designer Glen Schofield told Edge magazine that it would take players about 12-14 hours to get through the game without alternate paths.
He hopes that players will actively discuss their findings while exploring alternate paths:
"Pathways appeared later in the game, but some of them are very cool. We don't divulge how many there will be or how to get to them. So it will take some time for users to thoroughly investigate."
The developers of the horror game have repeatedly said that they want to scare the players. Therefore, the project promises to be frightening, to say the least.
The Callisto Protocol will be released on December 2 on PC, PS5, PS4, Xbox Series and Xbox One.