Not Amnesia and not Silent Hill: British scientists found out which game is the scariest

By: Anton Kratiuk | 24.10.2022, 13:13
Not Amnesia and not Silent Hill: British scientists found out which game is the scariest

Gamers often argue about which game is the scariest. Amnesia? Silent Hill? Resident Evil? Or maybe Dead Space?

The perception of fear is an extremely subjective thing, so gamers have never come to a consensus: what's scary to one doesn't provoke any emotions in others.

The British company Broadband Choices decided to approach this issue from a scientific point of view: it offered two hundred participants to get acquainted with fragments of 45 scary games, and during the view recorded the heart rate players.

During the experiment it turned out that the most terrible game was a horror game MADiSON from the studio Bloodious Games. The second place in the horror rating was taken by Alien: Isolation, followed by Visage and Five Night at Freddy's 4.

Not Amnesia and not Silent Hill: British scientists found out which game is the scariest-2

In the Top 20 scariest games are several parts of Resident Evil and Silent Hill, and also Bloodborne and Dead Space.

The full list looks like this:

Not Amnesia and not Silent Hill: British scientists found out which game is the scariest-3

Horror fans may have noticed that P.T. by Hideo Kojima is missing from the list of games. The organizers of the experiment explained that P.T. - was a demo that never became a full-fledged game. But for the sake of interest, the researchers let fifteen players try out the game, and if it had been on the list, it would probably have been P.T. at the top, because its heart rate was the highest.