For action-RPG Steelrising story add-on Cagliostro's Secrets with new quests, locations, enemies and weapons is coming soon
By: Anton Kratiuk | 24.10.2022, 22:08

Less than two months since the action-RPG Steelrising release, as the developers from the Spiders studio announced the first story add-on.
The DLC will be named Cagliostro's Secrets and will bring a lot of additional content to the game.
The Innovations waiting for the Players in Cagliostro's Secrets:
- a new location - St. Louis Hospital (Saint Louis);
- one main quest;
- five types of weapons;
- one boss;
- several new enemies and variations of existing ones;
- two new characters;
- new side quests, the action of which unfolds in the locations from the original game.
To pass the add-on, you must pass the Bastille.
Game Release Date
DLC Cagliostro's Secrets will be released November 10 on PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series. It can be purchased separately or as part of the Bastille Edition.
Source: Sirus Gaming