The head of the holding company Embracer Group said that at the moment there are 4 games in development in the universe of The Lord of the Rings

In 2022, Embracer Group acquired Middle-earth Enterprises, and as a result of this deal the Swedish giant gained the rights to release projects from the Lord of the Rings universe. This provided the Embracer Group with the ability to release any media products in the franchise, including video games.
Here's What We Know
In a recent report to investors, Embracer Group co-founder and president Lars Wingefors said that four projects based on the J.R.R. Tolkien universe are currently in development. It is known that one of them will be a mobile collectible game The Lord of the Rings: Heroes of Middle-earth. Its development is conducted by Capital Games, which is one of the internal studios of Electronic Arts.
Lars Vingefors said that the Embracer Group has extensive and long-term plans for the "Lord of the Rings" franchise, but so far he is not ready to announce them. The company is in talks with the developers of both video games, and with the creators of other media projects.
No less interesting other information is: the financial report mentioned that the Embracer Group already has 132 game studios, which are working on 237 projects.
Source: Variety