Crunchyroll announces 8-bit adventure game Hime's Quest for Game Boy Color and browser

American Crunchroll announced Hime's Quest, an eight-bit adventure game with the character Hime. The game will be released on PC and for game Boy Color. The console version will be available for a limited time and by pre-order only. Pre-orders for Game Boy Color will last from November 18 to December 23.
As for the PC, it will be completely free and will run right in your browser, and it will be released in December.
"Crunchyroll wanted to capture the nostalgia of '90s pop culture with a collaborative project for anime fans, and we're very excited to bring Crunchyroll-Hime back to that era by developing it for the same hardware that fans played on when those games were made," said Crunchyroll senior vice president Terry Li. "Hime is our favorite princess mascot, and we're excited to see her lore expanded in a way that speaks to the love fans have for anime and gaming with Hime's Quest."

Source: Gematsu