For those who do not know: to celebrate the release of the updated version of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, CD Projekt has released an amusing short film about the events of the first and second part of the series

To celebrate the release of the updated version of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, CD Projekt has released an amusing video for those who are not familiar with the previous parts of the series.
Here's What We Know
The short film retells the highlights of the first and second parts of The Witcher in a humorous manner.
Yes, the video doesn't give a full idea about the plot twists and turns, but it gives the general idea. Moreover the video will please The Witcher fans too, because it is made with a great attention to details, without pompousness and pathos.
By the way, many users from among those who have already seen the video, noted that it causes a lot more positive emotions than the adaptation from Netflix, while it lasts just over five minutes.
The updated version of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt will be released on December 14 and will be available on PC, Xbox Series and PlayStation 5.