Sony quarterly report: PlayStation 5 sales topped 32 million units, but PS Plus subscription numbers are down markedly

Sony has summed up the third quarter of 2022 and reported a few numbers that will be of interest to gamers.
1. PlayStation 5 is selling well worldwide. The total number of consoles sold exceeds 32 million units. Last quarter alone, 7.1 million were sold, an increase of 3.1 million consoles over the same period in 2021.
2. At the end of December, the number of PS Plus users was 46.4 million, 1.6 million fewer than at the end of 2021.
3. For the third quarter of 2022, PS4 and PS5 users bought 86.5 million copies of games, down 6.2 million from the same period in 2021.
Of the total number of games purchased - 20.8 million copies accounted for projects from Sony's internal studios (this figure is 9.5 million copies higher than in the Q3 2021 report).
4. 62% of games sold are digital copies.