DICE's Battlefield 1943, Battlefield Bad Company 1 and Battlefield Bad Company 2, as well as Mirror's Edge, will be withdrawn from shops at the end of April

Electronic Arts and DICE Studios have announced the final end of the "lifespan" of several iconic games.
Here's What We Know
As of April 28, Battlefield 1943, Battlefield Bad Company 1 and Battlefield Bad Company 2, and Mirror's Edge will be removed from all digital shops.
Those who own these games will technically be able to continue to run them, but the projects' online services will be shut down in December 2023. And while Bad Company and Mirror's Edge with their full-fledged story campaigns can be played without any problems, the fully multiplayer-oriented shooter Battlefield 1943 will be useless.
Here's how the developers commented on their decision:
These projects hold a special place in our hearts, but we can't wait to give you a new experience. Therefore, we have decided to focus on current and upcoming games in the Battlefield series.