Insider: Separate Ways add-on for Resident Evil 4 remake could be released later this year

It was recently reported online that Capcom is planning to release the Separate Ways add-on for the Resident Evil 4 remake.
The DLC, which was also available in the original game, may be released later this year, according to a well-known insider Dusk Golem, who specializes in horror games.
According to him, the Separate Ways game was being developed together with Resident Evil 4 Remake, and after the game's release, all gamemakers switched to the DLC.
(1/2) One thing I'll say is the wait for Separate Ways DLC for Resident Evil 4 Remake is it won't be as long as the RE8 DLC, very different situations. RE8 DLC was only really decided to be a thing after RE8 came out, long wait time was because it was all developed after the game
- AestheticGamer aka Dusk Golem (@AestheticGamer1) April 6, 2023
Separate Ways is an additional story campaign narrated on behalf of spy Ada Wong.