Resident Evil 7 and DirectX 11 remakes of the second and third titles will no longer be supported by developers in June 2023

By: Anton Kratiuk | 13.04.2023, 11:45
Resident Evil 7 and DirectX 11 remakes of the second and third titles will no longer be supported by developers in June 2023

Support for Resident Evil 7, Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 3 remakes with DirectX 11 will end on July 12, 2023, developers from Capcom announced.

After that date, the developers do not guarantee the correct operation of these versions of the games, so users will either (probably) face difficulties, or move to a more demanding DirectX 12.

This change is due to support for ray tracing, which was added to the listed games in summer 2022. This option is not supported by DirectX 11.