Insider: Despite its popularity and high scores, Hi-Fi Rush has proven to be a commercial failure. Microsoft unhappy with sales results

By: Anton Kratiuk | 21.04.2023, 15:07
Insider: Despite its popularity and high scores, Hi-Fi Rush has proven to be a commercial failure. Microsoft unhappy with sales results

In the latest edition of the Game Mess Decides podcast, renowned journalist and insider Jeff Grubb reveals interesting details about Hi-Fi Rush.

Here's What We Know

According to Grubb, despite the high level of interest in Hi-Fi Rush among gamers and great reviews from critics, Microsoft isn't happy with the rhythm and action game's sales.

The reason for this is due to two miscalculations:

1. The lack of any marketing campaign. The game was released unexpectedly at the time of its announcement. It was spectacular, but not really effective.
2. Hi-Fi Rush has been available in the Game Pass catalogue since the first day, so there was no incentive for the gamers to buy the game.

The combination of these factors has resulted in Hi-Fi Rush being a highly rated but financially unsuccessful game. And it's hard to blame the developers for that, as the game itself turned out great, but the publisher's decisions proved unsuccessful.

Grubb mentioned that Microsoft is generally unhappy with the Xbox division's recent results. Where this will lead to is yet to be seen.