One of Titanfall 3's developers tells why the game was cancelled - it's all about PUBG

By: Dmitro Koval | 14.06.2023, 18:13
One of Titanfall 3's developers tells why the game was cancelled - it's all about PUBG

Former Infinity Ward and Respawn Entertainment developer Mohammad Alavi recently gave an interview for THE BURNETTWORK channel in which he shared details of Titanfall 3 cancellation.

Here's What We Know

According to Alavi, the work on Titanfall 3 lasted for 10 months and the team began to make some progress. However, at about the same time, the PUBG battle royale was launched and it was decided to turn the project into Apex Legends:

"Titanfall 2, you know, came out did what it did, and we were like 'okay, we're gonna make Titanfall 3,' and we worked on Titanfall 3 for 10 months in earnest," Alavi explained. "We had like new tech for it, we had multiple missions going, we had a first playable which was like on par to be just as good if not better than whatever we had before. But I'll make this clear: incrementally better. It wasn't revolutionary. And that's the key, right?"

After the holiday, the Respawn Entertainment team realised that changes needed to be made and decided to cancel Titanfall 3 development in favour of a new project, the well-known Apex Legends. Alavi shared that it was Alex Roycewicz and Jeff who came up with the idea of using the battle royale elements they saw in PUBG in Titanfall 3's massively multiplayer mode:

"At first, we were just running tests with a few developers and artists at Friday Night Fights to test these ideas. But then they made a full Battle Royale map, and the next Friday, all 100 people were playing with pleasure until 9pm. This went on for two months," Alavi said.

So, when the team returned to work after the holidays, they realised that Apex Legends had great potential and decided to stop developing Titanfall 3 to focus on the development of the new project, which eventually became very successful.

Source: dualshockers