Four love lines, just one radio station, uninhabited planets and a galaxy of adventure: Todd Howard reveals new details of Starfield

By: Anton Kratiuk | 23.06.2023, 13:41
Four love lines, just one radio station, uninhabited planets and a galaxy of adventure: Todd Howard reveals new details of Starfield

The Starfield advertising campaign continues apace.

Bethesda executive Todd Howard revealed new details about the space RPG during the Kinda Funny Games podcast.

Here's What We Know

In the talk, Howard revealed a lot of interesting information about Starfield, and we offer the main talking points:

  • Starfield will indeed have 1,000 planets and other space objects (asteroids, stations, etc.) that you can land on, but most of them are created using procedural generation. Bethesda's game designers only hand-crafted locations important to the story and additional quests, as well as large settlements and cities;
  • Only 10% of planets have life;
  • Starfield will have no ground vehicles or riding animals. Outside of the ship, players will be able to navigate either on foot or with a jetpack;
  • The Starfield protagonist will have several companions, but it is not necessary to take them on missions. If the player prefers to wander alone - he can develop the appropriate skills;
  • Romantic relationships can be established with four main characters, for which there are separate storylines;
  • Unlike Bethesda's cult game Fallout, Starfield has only one radio station, whose signal reaches only some locations;
  • Considering the huge amount of text in the game, the developers took care of gamers' eyes and added the option to enlarge the font. Its size is practically unlimited (within reasonable limits).

Todd Howard mentioned that the developers haven't yet worked on adapting Starfield to Steam Deck, but he hasn't ruled out the possibility.

When We Can Expect It

Starfield will release on September 6, 2023 on MS and Xbox Series, and will be available immediately in the Game Pass catalogue.