What does the teaser hint at? The developers of the horror game Scorn have published a short video that features Morse code

By: Anton Kratiuk | 26.06.2023, 21:06
What does the teaser hint at? The developers of the horror game Scorn have published a short video that features Morse code

The developers of the conceptual but misunderstood by gamers horror game Scorn have released a short teaser for the game.

Here's What We Know

Studio Ebb Software released Scorn in October 2022 on PC and Xbox Series X|S. Despite long development and an interesting concept, the game received average scores. Gamers and critics found it boring, monotonous and unnecessarily short.

The short trailer demonstrated a suffering protagonist, and the game is accompanied by strange sounds, including those resembling Morse code.

As the number of Morse code connoisseurs among the gamer audience is few, the users started to speculate what this teaser could mean. So far, there are two obvious possibilities: the developers are hinting at either a Scorn add-on coming out, or the game will be released on PlayStation 5.