Diablo 4's Assistant Game Director recommends that gamers take a break from the game and enjoy other great projects to come back to the start of the season with renewed vigour

By: Dmitro Koval | 11.07.2023, 21:02
Diablo 4's Assistant Game Director recommends that gamers take a break from the game and enjoy other great projects to come back to the start of the season with renewed vigour

During the Diablo IV developer stream, Associate Director Joe Piepiora addressed the issue of exhaustion that players who have joined the game since its release may experience and recommends that players take a break and enjoy another game.

Here's What We Know

"When you’ve reached all the goals and done the things you think are really important, and you want to go take a break to play something else for a little while, that’s fine. We do the same thing. When a season rolls and there are new things for you to come out, that’s a great time to come back, particularly if you had a good time playing before. That’s exactly when you should come back and check out Diablo 4 fresh."

Tim Isman, the game's lead producer, also shared his thoughts and noted that when the next World of Warcraft expansion comes out, there's a chance he'll spend some time with the game as well. However, he expressed his satisfaction at being able to return to Diablo 4 and play on a level playing field with other players.

Season of the Malignant adds a new quest line where players team up with Cormand to fight new malignant monsters. They must fight partially corrupted enemies and, after killing them, perform a ritual to imprison them in a cage. This will cause the monsters in question to become fully corrupt, but if you win, you will be able to use the new Malignant Power.

Source: gamingbolt