Dataminer: an unannounced updated version of Red Dead Redemption is coming to Nintendo Switch

By: Anton Kratiuk | 28.07.2023, 19:40
Dataminer: an unannounced updated version of Red Dead Redemption is coming to Nintendo Switch

The unannounced Red Dead Redemption remaster/remake continues to grow in details.

Here's What We Know

Insider and dataminer Tez2, who previously reported that a reference and logo for the new version of the game appeared in the source code of Rockstar Games' website, has pointed out another important detail.

An updated version of Red Dead Redemption could be coming to Nintendo Switch!

After the latest update to the site, clicking on Red Dead Redemption brings up an expanded platform selection window that not only includes PC and three generations of PlayStation and Xbox consoles, but also Nintendo Switch.

Since Rockstar rarely releases games on Nintendo, it's hard to believe that the developers accidentally specified Switch, but still, Tez2's message is not a guaranteed confirmation of the famous studio's intentions. Especially since the release of the updated version of Red Dead Redemption itself is still in the category of rumours, albeit convincing ones.

Source: Twitter @TezFunz2