Reddit users have uncovered information about the brand new single-player Invasions mode in Mortal Kombat 1

A Reddit forum user posted a screenshot of the physical edition box of Mortal Kombat 1 from a Brazilian online shop page.
Here's What We Know
Gamers' attention was attracted by the game description on the back of the box, where in addition to the already known information was found mention of "brand new" single-player mode "Invasions" (Invasions), in which players will be offered to travel through "The realms of Mortal Kombat" (The realms of Mortal Kombat).
The description of this mode hints at the appearance of the season pass or some elements of it in the game. This goes against the words of NetherRealm CEO Ed Boon, who previously promised that there will be no such options in the game.

When We Can Expect It
Mortal Kombat 1 will release on 19 September on MS, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series and Nintendo Switch.
Those who pre-order the game will be able to take part in the game's beta testing from 18-21 August.
Source: Reddit