First reviews of Atlas Fallen: critics and gamers were not happy with Deck 13 studio's action game

Atlas Fallen action game from Deck 13 studio has been released. It offers players a journey through the fantasy desert and battles with huge sand monsters.
Here's What We Know
The advertising campaign of Atlas Fallen created an image of an unusual game with unique gameplay and setting, but everything turned out to be not as rosy as the developers wanted.
The first critics' reviews are very restrained. Atlas Fallen is not a failed or low-quality game. There are no special remarks to the technical execution of the action and its gameplay. Experts noted good optimisation and modern graphics.
All claims are reduced to the fact that the game turned out to be boring and monotonous. Atlas Fallen quickly ceases to surprise and gets bored after a few hours, which is unacceptable for a project with a large open world.
Evaluations on aggregators are as follows:
- PC version - 74 points;
- PS5 version - 64 points;
- Xbox Series X version - 68 points.

- 68 points and 31% recommendation.

- the situation is even worse: users gave Atlas Fallen only 43% positive reviews.

If you are interested in all the nuances of Atlas Fallen - we recommend you to read the review of the game from the author of gg Gagadget, in which he detailed all the pros and cons of the action.