Apple released iOS 17.3 with Stolen Device Protection and other new features

By: Myroslav Trinko | 23.01.2024, 08:12
Apple released iOS 17.3 with Stolen Device Protection and other new features

Apple, after a month and a half of testing iOS 17.3, has released a stable version of the firmware.

Here's What's New About It

The main innovation of the software is the Stolen Device Protection feature. It allows you to better protect your iPhone and secure your data in case your device is stolen. In addition, iOS 17.3 features Apple Music Collaborative, thanks to which Apple Music subscribers can create playlists with other users and add music to them. Apple has also added a new Unity Bloom wallpaper to support the black community and worked on bugs.

When We Can Expect It

The firmware weighs in at over 600MB and has already started rolling out in waves to all supported iPhone models. You can check for OTA in your device's settings.