iPhone 14 Pro helps create prosthetics for animals (video)

By: Elena Shcherban | 28.08.2023, 00:37
iPhone 14 Pro helps create prosthetics for animals (video)

Apple unveiled a short but emotional video about how smartphones, as it turns out, can help animals.

Here's What We've Seen

The video, titled The Invincibles, is about 3DPets, a non-profit organisation that makes customised prosthetics and carts for animals. They 3D print prosthetics customised to the needs of each pet that is missing a limb.

And in this, the experts are helped by the iPhone 14 Pro, and more specifically by the smartphone's camera with a LiDAR sensor. It scans the dog's torso and determines the exact dimensions, according to which the 3DPets team further develops prosthetic limbs.

Source: Apple