Mysterious 'passphrase' in Blue Beetle film hints at Justice League member

Director Angel Manuel Soto recently spoke to Collider about the "passphrases" (hidden references to something or someone - ed) in the Blue Beetle film and confirmed the public's speculation.
Here's What We Know
The "Blue Beetle" movie has been in theatres for a week now, taking audiences deeper into the unusual story of superhero Jaime Reyes, also known as Blue Beetle. One of the most discussed aspects of Blue Beetle has been its place in DC's universe of heroes and villains, especially since the events of the film are largely self-contained in relation to the overall story. We already know that the new DC Universe from James Gunn and Peter Safran will continue to develop Jaime's story, and as it turns out, the events of the film subtly reveal yet another hero of the franchise.
Warning. Spoilers for "Blue Beetle" below! Read only if you want to know!
Director Angel Manuel Soto has confirmed that the package of Oreo biscuits glimpsed at Ted Kord's base of operations belongs to none other than J'onn J'onzzu / Martian Manhunter, known from the comics for his love of this iconic biscuit.
"At the beginning of the title sequence, for those of you guys that follow the Blue Beetle comics, there's a green light that hits this character, and that's a Green Lantern. If you didn't catch it, watch it again. Also, on the Bug later, and you see it also at the end, there's a stack of Oreos, and who likes to eat Oreos? " - explained Soto.
When We Can Expect It
Warner Bros. released "Blue Beetle" to big screens on 17 August. The digital release, however, will take place on 19 September 2023.