Argentina is nearing the purchase of 32 F-16 Fighting Falcon fighter jets and 4 P-3 Orion patrol aircraft at a total cost of $450 million

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 10.08.2023, 22:55
Argentina is nearing the purchase of 32 F-16 Fighting Falcon fighter jets and 4 P-3 Orion patrol aircraft at a total cost of $450 million

Argentina is one step closer to buying the F-16 Fighting Falcon and P-3 Orion. The South American country is ready to spend about $450 million to buy the aircraft.

Here's What We Know

The UK has consistently blocked the sale of Western fighter jets to Argentina. It is not excluded that the US authorities were able to agree with the UK government not to push Argentina to buy Chinese JF-17 aircraft.

This is hinted at by the White House's appeal to the US Congress to approve the sale of 38 fighter jets in service with the Royal Danish Air Force. We are talking about 32 F-16 Block 15 aircraft and six F-16 Block 10s. The cost of 38 fighter jets will be approximately $340 million.

In addition, the US Presidential Administration has submitted a request to Congress to approve the sale of P-3C Orion to Argentina. It is about four patrol aircraft of the Royal Norwegian Air Force. The cost will be almost $110 million.

Source: Scramble