Russia's S-400 Triumf air defence system and missiles with a 400km range worth hundreds of millions of dollars were destroyed in Crimea

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 23.08.2023, 16:59

An explosion has taken place in occupied Crimea, destroying the Russian S-400 Triumf air defence system. This is reported by the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine.

Here's What We Know

The agency said that the explosion destroyed the launcher along with missiles and personnel. The strike on the S-400 Triumf was carried out on 23 August 2023 at around 03:00 (EDT) or 00:00 (PDT). What is interesting is that the surface-to-air missile system was unable to cope with the drone, which managed to capture the explosion on video.

The export value of the S-400 Triumf division, which consists of four vehicles, exceeds $1bn. The surface-to-air missile system can shoot down aircraft, helicopters, drones and missiles at a range of up to 400km. The high-altitude range is 35 kilometres. The radar station, which is part of the complex, has a range of 600 kilometres.

The Russian Federation has sold the S-400 to three countries. India, Turkey and China are the operators of the air defence system. It is worth noting that Turkey paid $2.5bn for the S-400 Triumf, after which it was excluded from the F-35 Lightning II fifth-generation fighter programme. India spent nearly $5.5bn to buy five regimental systems. Deliveries will be completed next year. China has invested more than $3bn in the purchase of the S-400.

Source: @DIUkraine