A glimpse into the future of Baldur's Gate III: Larian Studios developers revealed the innovations that will appear in the game with the release of the second major update

By: Anton Kratiuk | 30.08.2023, 13:26
A glimpse into the future of Baldur's Gate III: Larian Studios developers revealed the innovations that will appear in the game with the release of the second major update

Developers from Larian Studios have revealed details of the second major update for Baldur's Gate III.

Here's What We Know

In the second patch, the game designers will improve performance and general technical state of the game, change some gameplay elements, add additional settings and expand the number of epilogues.

In addition, the developers will restore some fragments of cut content. Initially they thought that some scenes and elements in Baldur's Gate III will be unnecessary and will drag out the already long game, but the reaction of gamers showed that they want to see as much content in it as possible.

Separately, Larian Studios emphasised that the game will feature new endings and epilogues, but only after the game designers make sure they work correctly and meet high quality standards.

Baldur's Gate III will add the ability to change the appearance of your hero, as well as the option to remove the second player from the co-op mode.

Extended support for custom modifications will also appear.

The full list of changes can be found on the Baldur's Gate III page on Steam.

Source: Steam