Some players started to lower Starfield's rating on Metacritic because it's a "Microsoft exclusive"

By: Vladyslav Nuzhnov | 08.09.2023, 10:02
Some players started to lower Starfield's rating on Metacritic because it's a "Microsoft exclusive"

The console wars have been going on for years, and they are unlikely to stop anytime soon. As soon as a Microsoft or Sony exclusive appears, one of the parties runs to Metacritic to underestimate the game. This fate did not escape Starfield.

Here's What We Know

Currently, one of the most anticipated games of autumn on Metacritic has a rating of 5.4 out of 10 from players. Some people who gave it a 0 explain what exactly they did not like. For example, a boring plot, poor optimisation, constant loading screens, or not fully realised potential for a game that has been worked on for many years. But there were also those who gave it a 0 because of the lack of Russian localisation. And some simply wrote: "I've never played the game, but it's Microsoft, so 0 points."

One of the reviews on Metacritic (screenshot: XGTV Telegram channel)

Considering that after a similar situation with The Last of Us Part II, the players' score on Metacritic is still 5.8, although 3 years have passed since the game's release, we can assume that Starfield's scores will remain at about the same level.

It is also worth remembering that Marvel's Spider-Man 2 will be released in October, where Xbox fans can take revenge for the Starfield situation. Therefore, just play the games you like and remember that Metacritic scores do not always reflect the truth. And it would be good for the aggregator to revise its account verification system to avoid such stories.

Source: metacritic