Face to face with the creator: in the new Alan Wake 2 video, the protagonist meets the character whose appearance was given by Sam Lake, the creator of the franchise and creative director of Remedy Studios

By: Anton Kratiuk | 19.09.2023, 19:57
Face to face with the creator: in the new Alan Wake 2 video, the protagonist meets the character whose appearance was given by Sam Lake, the creator of the franchise and creative director of Remedy Studios

IGN portal published another gameplay video of Alan Wake 2.

Here's What We Know

In the footage shown, the main character, writer Alan Wake, walks through a phantasmagorical reflection of New York City and meets agent Alex Casey.

Their meeting wouldn't be so remarkable if the FBI detective didn't have the looks of Sam Lake, the franchise creator and creative head of Remedy Entertainment.

Again, we would like to mention the high level of graphics and visual effects in Alan Wake 2, as well as the way the developers masterfully intrigue the audience.

When We Can Expect It

Alan Wake 2 will be released on 27 October on PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series. The game will only be available digitally.

Source: IGN