Attack of the Clones: 11 bit studios has unveiled a new trailer for The Alters, an unusual space adventure game in which the player must create their own clones and try to get along with them

By: Anton Kratiuk | 04.10.2023, 22:16
Attack of the Clones: 11 bit studios has unveiled a new trailer for The Alters, an unusual space adventure game in which the player must create their own clones and try to get along with them

Developers from 11 bit studios - authors of the famous games This War of Mine and Frostpunk - released a trailer of sci-fi adventure The Alters.

Here's What We Know

The main character of the game will be Jan Dolski - an ordinary man who was abandoned on an alien planet, and to survive he is forced to clone himself.

Jan's clones have their own characters, habits and views on life, and to find a common language with them the player has to make concessions and fulfil their wishes.

The developers promise a high variation of events and a huge number of voiced dialogues. 11 bit studios claims about more than 10 thousand lines of voiced and animated dialogues in The Alters.

When We Can Expect It

The exact release date for The Alters has not been announced yet. The game will probably be released in the first half of 2024 on PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series.

Source: 11 bit studios