The Astronauts: Witchfire shooter developers have shared the game's early access development roadmap

By: Anton Kratiuk | 12.10.2023, 21:46
The Astronauts: Witchfire shooter developers have shared the game's early access development roadmap

Developers from Polish studio The Astronauts shared their plans for the development of fantasy shooter Witchfire, which is available in early access for Epic Games Store users.

Here's What We Know

The studio of Adrian Chmielarz - one of the creators of the famous shooters Painkiller and Bulletstorm - is actively working on improving Witchfire. The developers plan to release major updates every two months, and after them one to two weeks - patches to fix the emerging bugs.

The first major update, under the working title GGU, is scheduled for November or December 2023.

The Astronauts plan to add a lot of new content to Witchfire during the early access period and expect the game to have in the release version (about a year from now):

  • six maps (currently there are two);
  • at least six bosses and 46 enemy types (currently there are 2 and 22 respectively);
  • at least 31 weapons, 24 magic items and 20 spells (now there are 7 weapons and 9 items and spells each);
  • an unnamed number of traps and events;
  • secondary NPCs, who have not yet been added to the game.

The Astronauts has a lot of plans, so the developers ask gamers to actively share their impressions about Witchfire to make the shooter as high-quality and exciting as possible.

Source: The Astronauts