The Invincible didn't cause a stir among gamers, but those who tried it - were delighted! The game has over 90% positive reviews on Steam

By: Anton Kratiuk | 08.11.2023, 12:26
The Invincible didn't cause a stir among gamers, but those who tried it - were delighted! The game has over 90% positive reviews on Steam

The Invincible, a sci-fi adventure game based on Stanisław Lem's novel of the same name, has been released.

Critics met the game with reserved reviews and predicted that it would not be of much interest to gamers.

They turned out to be right only partially.

Here's What We Know

As expected, The Invincible didn't attract as many players as other 2023 hits. Peak online was only 1,237 players, but tens of thousands of people follow the broadcasts on Twitch.

Journalists noted that The Invincible is a niche game aimed at fans of meditative projects. And those who were interested in adventures on the distant planet Regis III, were delighted with the project of Polish studio Starward Industries.

The Invincible received 91% of positive reviews in Steam. Gamers appreciated the developers' careful attitude to the source material, although they introduced a new main character into the game.

The Invincible didn't cause a stir among gamers, but those who tried it - were delighted! The game has over 90% positive reviews on Steam-2

The audience liked the retrofuturistic style, mysterious atmosphere of the dying planet, interesting plot and excellent dialogues. Most of all gamers were surprised by how beautifully and diversely the desert planet Regis 3 is depicted.

Stanislav Lem would surely be pleased with how qualitatively and responsibly his compatriots approached the adaptation of the famous novel.

For those who want to know a comprehensive opinion about all aspects of The Invincible, our reviewer has prepared a detailed review of the game, which we offer you to read.

Source: Steam