This is a must-see: a half-blind old lady talks about the vampire invasion in Diablo IV. Blizzard released an unusual video

By: Anton Kratiuk | 09.11.2023, 13:16
This is a must-see: a half-blind old lady talks about the vampire invasion in Diablo IV. Blizzard released an unusual video

Blizzard has released an atmospheric Diablo IV video to celebrate the launch of Season of Blood.

Here's What We Know

In our opinion, the video is a bit late, as the vampires have been raging in Sanctuary since 17th October, nevertheless, the video is worth watching. In it, an elderly half-blind woman tells about the vampire attack on her settlement and how she managed to survive. The grandmother urges players to fight the vampires and save the world again.

In addition, Diablo 4 received the next patch 1.2.2, in which the developers introduced a number of fixes and added a lot of new content.

Recall, for Diablo IV recently announced the addition Vessel of Hatred, and Blizzard announced that they are working on two tabletop games in this universe.

Source: Diablo