Warner Bros. is delighted: sales of Hogwarts Legacy have surpassed 22 million copies. The franchise will continue to develop actively

The role-playing game Hogwarts Legacy was released in February 2023 and became an instant hit.
Millions of gamers with pleasure immersed themselves in the universe favourite since childhood and spent dozens of hours in it. Now the exact number of copies sold has become known.
Here's What We Know
Warner Bros Interactive Entertainment president David Haddad said in an exclusive interview with Variety that more than 22 million copies of the game have been sold in 2023, with 2 million sold during the December holidays alone.
Haddad said that both the publisher and developers are extremely pleased with the success of Hogwarts Legacy and are already working on expanding the game universe. The first new project will be the competitive game Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions, but there is no doubt that a sequel to Hogwarts Legacy is already in development.
David Haddad took the opportunity to cite some interesting game statistics: gamers have spent 707 million hours at the School of Wizardry, brewed 819 million potions, collected 1.3 billion plants, rescued 593 million magical beasts and defeated 4.9 billion dark wizards.
Hogwarts Legacy is available on PC and all current consoles.
Source: Variety