The founders of Rocksteady have opened a new studio in London, Hundred Star Games, and plan to develop high-end games

By: Anton Kratiuk | 19.01.2024, 12:23
The founders of Rocksteady have opened a new studio in London, Hundred Star Games, and plan to develop high-end games

In autumn 2022, the founders of Rocksteady studio, known for the Batman Arkham series, Sefton Hill and Jamie Walker announced their departure from the company.

As it turned out, the famous game designers were not long out of work and founded a new studio.

Here's What We Know

Sefton Hill and Jamie Walker opened a studio Hundred Star Games, which is based in London. There has been no official introduction of the company yet, but it is mentioned on professional websites Endole and Great Place to Work, and the young studio already has its own website.

It is known that the team of 25 people, some of whom are Rocksteady veterans, started working in autumn 2023 and plans to create high-end AAA games. The company is looking to expand to 100 people in the near future.

Let's wish good luck to Hundred Star Games and wait for the first announcements.

Source: Polygon