Quality comes first: Bloomberg reveals some details of Square Enix publisher Square Enix's new strategy

By: Anton Kratiuk | 07.02.2024, 22:11
Quality comes first: Bloomberg reveals some details of Square Enix publisher Square Enix's new strategy

At the end of January we reported that Japanese publisher Square Enix is switching to a new business strategy: the company refuses to release a huge number of games and concentrates on their quality.

Now, thanks to Bloomberg sources, some details of the change in the company's work became known.

Here's What We Know

At a closed briefing held on 5 February, Square Enix president Takashi Kiryu said that the company will not only stop chasing the quantity and focus on the quality of their projects, but also specified that the Japanese will pay more attention to the games of large franchises, such as Final Fantasy, Nier and Just Cause. Square Enix will collaborate less with third-party studios, and key projects will be handled by the best internal departments.

In addition, the company will implement a new quality assurance mechanism for games to identify serious bugs and fix them before release, something that was not done with Forspoken (2023) and Babylon's Fall (2022), for example.

Square Enix will fully transition to the new strategy in April 2024, and in March the general public will be revealed a number of important details about the new approach to game development.

Source: Bloomberg