Funcom has unveiled a spectacular trailer for Dune: Awakening and talked about the reverence for the source material in the development of the game

By: Anton Kratiuk | 04.03.2024, 22:51
Funcom has unveiled a spectacular trailer for Dune: Awakening and talked about the reverence for the source material in the development of the game

Funcom studio, as promised, held a presentation of Dune: Awakening Direct, where they presented two new trailers of the ambitious survival simulator.

Here's What We Know

The first trailer shows gameplay and cut-scenes of Dune: Awakening, as well as incredible landscapes and perfectly modelled vehicles from Frank Herbert's books.

The video is titled Survive Arrakis and it totally lives up to that title. In Dune: Awakening gamers can expect vast deserts with huge sandworms and settlements, which are controlled by powerful Arrakis clans.

In the second video the developers talked about the approach to the creation of Dune: Awakening.

The Funcom team explained that they studied Frank Herbert's novels and their film adaptations in detail, including the acclaimed Denis Villeneuve film. The developers promise to retain all the key elements of the franchise and expand them intelligently without crossing the line.

The project is being created on Unreal Engine 5.2 with the financial support of Tencent Corporation. The release date of Dune: Awakening has not been announced yet.

Source: Funcom