Cheaters have already been spotted during the Call of Duty Modern Warfare III beta test, using the PlayStation 4 developer version

By: Vladyslav Nuzhnov | 09.10.2023, 10:35
Cheaters have already been spotted during the Call of Duty Modern Warfare III beta test, using the PlayStation 4 developer version

On 8 October, the open beta test of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III for PlayStation 4/5 players began. And, who would have thought, the game already has cheaters that do not allow you to enjoy online battles.

Here's What We Know

The CharlieIntel Twitter account, which specialises in Call of Duty, posted a short video from the beta test where a player kills another in the air. The nuance here is that the scope captured the eliminated player when he was behind the wall. How can cheats be used on PlayStation? Initially, people thought that this required a hacked PS4 on which third-party apps could be installed. However, this scheme works on PlayStation 4 up to firmware 9.00. And to play online, you need at least firmware 9.60. So how did this happen? To carry out all this fraud, you need a PS4 Dev Kit - a version of the console for game developers. Finding them is not easy, but it is possible. Such a console costs much more than a regular PlayStation 4. The price of the Dev Kit is about $2500, so someone has spent a lot of money to buy this version and spoil the experience of others. Now imagine what will happen when the beta test starts on PC.

When We Can Expect It

From 12 to 13 October, there will be a beta test on Xbox, PC, and PS for players who have pre-ordered. And from 14 to 16 October, a beta test will be held for everyone.

The full release of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III will take place on 10 November on PC, PlayStation 4/5, Xbox Series, and Xbox One.

Source: @charlieINTEL