The developers of the horror shooter Quantum Error agree with the criticism of their game and are determined to produce top-notch games in the future

By: Anton Kratiuk | 01.11.2023, 16:49
The developers of the horror shooter Quantum Error agree with the criticism of their game and are determined to produce top-notch games in the future

Quantum Error horror shooter Quantum Error will be released very soon.

Critics have already had the opportunity to get acquainted with the game and stated that the developers had great ideas, but their implementation does not allow to give the project high marks. At the moment Quantum Error has 47 points on Metacritic, which is an extremely low score for a PlayStation 5 exclusive.

Representatives of indie studio TeamKill Media on Quantum Error's X page said that the game has already paid off (on pre-orders and premium editions) and this fact encouraged its creators.

Here's What We Know

The game designers agree with the constructive criticism of their game and are grateful to experts and gamers for their opinions, as working on bugs and an increased production budget will help make the next game much better.

The developers will continue to focus on "old school" games and have no plans to chase modern trends.

The report says that TeamKill Media is working on several projects and Quantum Error 2 is probably one of them.

When We Can Expect It

Quantum Error will release on 3 November exclusively on PlayStation 5.

Source: @Quantum_Error