It's all Konami's fault: the head of Bloober Team explained the poor quality of the Silent Hill 2 Remake trailer shown at State of Play

By: Anton Kratiuk | 14.02.2024, 12:50
It's all Konami's fault: the head of Bloober Team explained the poor quality of the Silent Hill 2 Remake trailer shown at State of Play

Gamers have been waiting for a long time to see the gameplay of Silent Hill 2 remake, but the video presented on State of Play caused bewilderment and a wave of criticism.

The audience justifiably decided that the game looks cheap, outdated and absolutely does not correspond to the promises of the developers from Bloober Team, nor to their ambitions.

The CEO of the Polish studio Piotr Babieno explained the situation.

Here's What We Know

According to the words of the head of Bloober Team, marketing support for Silent Hill 2 Remake lies with Konami, and his company has nothing to do with this aspect and is responsible only for the development of the game. Babeno stated that the footage shown "does not reflect the spirit of the remake and its real quality" and everyone who has seen the actual version of the game was satisfied with it.

Peter Babeno said that for some unknown reason Konami used an outdated build of the game to create the trailer.

By the way, the same version was voiced by a well-known Dusk Golem insider right after the trailer was shown. The informant claimed that he saw the shown build back in spring 2023 and the game looks much better at the moment.

When We Can Expect It

Silent Hill 2 Remake will be released in 2024 as a PlayStation 5 exclusive, but will eventually be available on PC.

Source: PPE