Iranian authorities publicly displayed a barraging anti-aircraft missile 358 for the first time

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 22.09.2023, 17:51
Iranian authorities publicly displayed a barraging anti-aircraft missile 358 for the first time

The Iranian authorities for the first time publicly demonstrated an unusual missile, which has the index 358. It was shown during the visit of Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu to Tehran.

Here's What We Know

We already knew about these missiles, as Iran supplied them to proxy forces in Iraq and Yemen back in 2019. The US Navy was able to confiscate several missiles during naval operations focused on interdicting the supply of equipment and weapons to Yemeni rebels.

However, Iranian authorities officially refused to confirm that Tehran had anything to do with the 358 munition. During the visit of the Russian defence minister, the first public demonstration of the barrage missile took place.

The 358 is approximately 2.75 metres long and has a cylindrical main body. The missile can manoeuvre during flight and also has an inertial guidance system with satellite navigation. A number of components from the 358 have been found in Iranian-made drones.

The rocket is equipped with a solid-fuel engine and is launched from a ground-based launcher. It then uses an air-jet propulsion system. The 358 heads to a specified location at low speed, then begins flying in a figure-eight pattern until it finds a target. Exactly how the target is found is unclear at this point. Time in the air is also not specified.

Source: The War Zone