HIMARS destroyed the command and control centre of a Russian S-300 / S-400 surface-to-air missile system, which provided ballistic missile defence capability

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 04.11.2023, 00:29
HIMARS destroyed the command and control centre of a Russian S-300 / S-400 surface-to-air missile system, which provided ballistic missile defence capability

The Ukrainian Defence Forces have destroyed a command and control post that is part of the Russian S-300 or S-400 surface-to-air missile system. The strike was carried out by the M142 HIMARS system.

Here's What We Know

It was initially reported that the launcher was destroyed as a result of an accurate hit. After clarifying the information, it turned out that HIMARS hit a 5N63C (pictured above) or 92N6E (pictured below) command and control centre. The former is used with the S-300 system, while the latter is part of the S-400 surface-to-air missile system.

The command post is equipped with a radar station for illumination and targeting of missiles. It is used to coordinate the operation of all components that make up the surface-to-air missile system, including launchers.

92N6E is a newer development. It uses a beam-fed active phased antenna array of the transmitting type illuminated by a monopulse horn radiator with a round dielectric lens. Such technology is used in the AN/MPQ-53 radar for the US MIM-104 Patriot missile defence systems.

The 92N6E and 5N63S provide defence not only against aerodynamic targets but also against ballistic missiles. Potentially hitting a command and control centre makes the defended area vulnerable to ATACMS.

Source: @operativnoZSU, @gnilayachereha