The nuclear-powered submarine Emperor Alexander III launched the SS-NX-30 intercontinental ballistic missile, which has a range of 9,300 kilometres and can carry hypersonic nuclear units

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 07.11.2023, 15:14

The Russians have tested a new nuclear-powered strategic submarine "Emperor Alexander III". The submarine performed a test launch of a ballistic missile.

Here's What We Know

"Emperor Alexander III" is a nuclear submarine of the fourth generation. She became the fourth vessel built under the Borei-A project. The submarine has surface-to-air missile systems and torpedoes of 533 mm calibre.

The main armament of the nuclear-powered missile cruiser is the Bulava ballistic missile. The video above shows a test launch of the missile from the White Sea. The Russians report that the test of the new weapon was completed successfully and that the warheads arrived at the target area on time.

"Bulava" (NATO classification SS-NX-30) is an intercontinental ballistic missile that has a launch range of 9,300 kilometres. It is capable of carrying several hypersonic nuclear blocks of individual guidance. According to open sources, the nuclear charge has a yield of up to 150 kilotons.

Source: Reuters